Esan Youth Empowerment Center (EYE-C), Afuda, Igeuben Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria
Note : We empower youths to be productive and responsible citizens


Esan Youths Benefiting


Million Naira in Investment


Government Intervention Windows & Portfolios


Diaspora Partnerships

In order to pursue the vision of the NGO, the co- founders, Dr Pascal and Lady Winifred Ebhohimen decided to build an Esan youth’s Empowerment Centre (EYE-C), with the location at Igueben.

This has been done in the hope that the Esan people everywhere, including other people and institutions in Nigeria and abroad , will partner in the most strategic way and in operational terms with the NGO to provide funding and other human and material resources to drive the process in a very transparent and efficient manner.

The partners in mind are found under funding in the next section


In respect of funding, which is likely to be a big challenge, we intend to relate closely with:

»  Finance Development Institutions (Bank of industry, Bank of Agriculture, the AfDB, EdoJobs, AfREXIM , World bank , the CBN etc.)

»  Professional and Trade Associations

»  Philanthropists: individuals and groups

»  Cooperative groups

»  Asset management / Mutual Investment/ Trust Funds

»  Revolving Loan Scheme

»  Sustained Search for grants, scholarships and fellowships from local , regional and international bodies